Let's Play!

Your Choice 0
Computer Choice 0


A zero-sum game without precise information makes up Rock-Paper-Scissors.

  • Two players display one of three symbols at the same time.
  • A rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper, and paper covers rock.
rock paper scissor hand signs
Source: Sacha Jerrems, via dribble
rock paper scissors rules
Credit: Enzoklop, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita quisquam placeat ratione numquam consequatur nobis consectetur incidunt quibusdam, odit, ex a sit officia fugiat. Optio sequi quo nobis magnam neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus, ullam?

Not a game of luck

From the World RPS Society:
Contrary to what you might think RPS is not simply a game of luck or chance. While it is true that from a mathematical perspective the 'optimum' strategy is to play randomly, it still is not a winning strategy for two reasons. First, 'optimum' in this case means you should win, lose and draw an equal number of times (hardly a winning strategy over the long term). Second, Humans, try as they might, are terrible at trying to be random, in fact often humans in trying to approximate randomness become quite predictable. So knowing that there is always something motivating your opponent's actions, there are a couple of tricks and techniques that you can use to tip the balance in your favour. World RPS Society

Nash Equilibria

John Nash, a mathematician, established in 1950 that in every game with a finite number of players and a limited number of alternatives, such as Rock-Paper-Scissors, a mix of tactics always exists, and no single person can improve their own strategy by altering it alone. This theory earned Nash the Nobel Prize in 1994.

Payoff Matrix: Player 1, Player 2, Scenarios for all iterations
Player 2
Rock Paper Scissors
Player 1 Rock 0 -1 1
Paper 1 0 -1
Scissors -1 1 0


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Rookies use rock

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore corporis mollitia voluptatum aperiam dicta praesentium blanditiis minus, quae earum excepturi ullam ducimus ipsam repudiandae possimus quidem, quas itaque, quo quibusdam!

First Scisssors

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore corporis mollitia voluptatum aperiam dicta praesentium blanditiis minus, quae earum excepturi ullam ducimus ipsam repudiandae possimus quidem, quas itaque, quo quibusdam!

Last resort Paper

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore corporis mollitia voluptatum aperiam dicta praesentium blanditiis minus, quae earum excepturi ullam ducimus ipsam repudiandae possimus quidem, quas itaque, quo quibusdam!

Double it

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore corporis mollitia voluptatum aperiam dicta praesentium blanditiis minus, quae earum excepturi ullam ducimus ipsam repudiandae possimus quidem, quas itaque, quo quibusdam!


Conversely, if a player loses two or more times in a row, then they will not play the same sign. Instead, they play whichever sign would have beaten the one that just allowed the other person to win. Confused? Improve your chances of winning with this cheatsheet:

“If a player wins over her opponent in one play, her probability of repeating the same action in the next play is considerably higher than her probabilities of shifting actions.” Researchers
You Won the Last Round

You've already played rock

Now it's time to play scissors.

You've already played scissors

Now it's time to play paper.

You've already played paper

Now it's time to move on to rock.

You lost in the previous round

You've already played rock

Now it's your turn to play scissors.

You've already played scissors

Now it's time to play paper.

You've already played paper

Now it's time to move on to rock.

You lost and opponent knows the hack

You've already played rock

Now it's time to move on to paper.

You've already played scissors

Now it's time to move on to rock.

You've already played paper

Now it's time to move on to scissors.

Do not repeat yourself

#1 Lorem ipsum

Before you begin a round, inquire about the colour of your opponent's clothes. This confuses and distracts your opponent from the game. When they're perplexed, they're more inclined to choose scissors. This strategy does not work for three-round games, but if you only play one round, you should expect to win every time. .

See it live: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. demonstrated with Odin RPS!

#2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

If you play three rounds, you have a good chance of winning. According to arXiv, scientists conducted a study in which they played three rounds of the game with 360 different students each. They chose the option that beat them in the second round after losing in the first. If someone chooses rock and you chose paper, for example, they will most likely swap to paper.

#3 Lorem, ipsum dolor

This is because most individuals chose what would have beaten their previous move when they are under duress. As a result, you'd use scissors to beat them the second time around. 90% of the pupils were defeated by the other player who was administering the tests. It's important to remember that these tactics don't always work; it all relies on the person's mindset. Nonetheless, these mind tricks are effective about 90% of the time. Try out these methods the next time you play roshambo to see if you can spook out your opponent.

Grace Freed
Telegraph Your Throw

#1 Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing.

See it live: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. demonstrated with Odin RPS!

#2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere, sequi voluptatem corporis culpa iure quos nesciunt. Ab repellendus exercitationem optio assumenda nobis. Nam aut quisquam officiis iure, facilis molestias corrupti.

#3 Lorem, ipsum dolor

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur at reiciendis omnis dignissimos repellat quis quidem dolorum quia sit eius cupiditate aperiam nam facilis obcaecati quasi saepe est, eligendi molestias?

Think ahead

#1 Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing.

See it live: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. demonstrated with Odin RPS!

#2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere, sequi voluptatem corporis culpa iure quos nesciunt. Ab repellendus exercitationem optio assumenda nobis. Nam aut quisquam officiis iure, facilis molestias corrupti.

#3 Lorem, ipsum dolor

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur at reiciendis omnis dignissimos repellat quis quidem dolorum quia sit eius cupiditate aperiam nam facilis obcaecati quasi saepe est, eligendi molestias?

Bluff to suggest

#1 Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing.

See it live: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. demonstrated with Odin RPS!

#2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere, sequi voluptatem corporis culpa iure quos nesciunt. Ab repellendus exercitationem optio assumenda nobis. Nam aut quisquam officiis iure, facilis molestias corrupti.

#3 Lorem, ipsum dolor

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur at reiciendis omnis dignissimos repellat quis quidem dolorum quia sit eius cupiditate aperiam nam facilis obcaecati quasi saepe est, eligendi molestias?


It's possible that humans invented the notion of Nash equilibrium before the concept of correlated equilibrium through chance.

A implementation of grade-school classic “rock paper scissors” for The Odin Project (TOP) web development curriculum.

“People think that the ideas that evolved earlier are the more fundamental ones,”
“Who’s to say what’s a more fundamental idea?”Roger Myerson